Please join me at the upcoming October Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival!

First up is the Art on the Street Local Artist Showcase on Sunday, October 16, 11 am – 4 pm. I’ll be at La Petite Gallerie with my co-op friends and artists. There will be painting demos and bluegrass music on our porches so please stop by to say hello and see our artists at work!

Then the big Art & Seafood Street Fest weekend is October 22-23, 10 am – 5 pm Saturday and 10 am – 4 pm Sunday, where you can find me and my tent in a new booth space #70. I’m working on new paintings aplenty – shorebirds and sea life, fruits and flowers, animals, lowcountry scenes and more! And by popular demand – 2023 Flower Calendars!

For more info, please visit I look forward to seeing you there!